February 8, 2025

Limbaugh on Gov’t Shutdown: ‘Democrats Are Putting 800,000 Illegal Immigrants Ahead of Active Duty Military Members’

Thursday on his nationally syndicated radio program, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh advised President Donald Trump to maintain that congressional Democrats attempting to force a government shutdown were putting 800,000 illegal immigrants ahead other government functions, including the well-being of the active duty military.

Partial transcript as follows (courtesy of RushLimbaugh.com):

So basically what you have here, led by President Trump, is an anti-shutdown message, blaming the Democrats for it. And the message is Democrats are putting 800,000 illegal immigrants ahead of active duty military members. That’s what this is about. That is essentially what Paul Ryan was saying in his press conference just before noon. That’s what Trump said outside the Pentagon today when he went over to the military. And every Republican from now ’til the end of this battle over this continuing resolution needs to say the same thing, be on message.

In fact, they might even want to run an ad. Shouldn’t be hard to put together. “This is the Democrat Party. They are the anti-prosperity party. They are the anti-security party. They are the pro-illegal immigration party. They are threatening to hold national security hostage, potentially costing the economy billions of dollars, forcing hundreds of thousands of federal government employees to go without pay –” although they will be paid “– in exchange for securing legal protections for 800,000 illegal immigrants.”

But that’s the message. That’s what the Democrats want. And they’ve always gotten their way up ’til now. They’re holding national security hostage, potentially costing the economy billions of dollars. They’re forcing hundreds of thousands of precious federal government employees to go without pay. They are disrespecting the U.S. military, all of that in exchange for securing legal protections for 800,000 illegal immigrants, but potential Democrat voters. That needs to be the way they cast this. And Trump is doing it.

Folks, again, the government doesn’t really shut down. Not the way the word implies. It does not close. Entitlement checks or deposits continue. There’s not a welfare recipient out there that will not get his welfare. There’s not a food stamp recipient that will not get his debit card. There’s not a Social Security recipient who will not get their check. There’s not one interruption to any entitlement payment to anybody. They do not lock the government, and it does not cease operations.

The president gets up and goes to work and the House and Senate will get up and go to work. It’s a political construct created by the Democrats, aided and abetted and amplified by the media, to try to demonstrate Republicans hate government and hate all that government does for people. And only government does things for people in the Democrat world. And so when government shuts down, people are hurt. When government shuts down, people are in pain. When government shuts down, people are locked out of resources and benefits.

And that is the lying, stinking political message that the Democrats and the media promulgate, that the Republicans heretofore have felt there was no way they could beat it back. There was no way they could overcome it, so they had to acquiesce to it. That day apparently is over. We shall see.

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

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