January 14, 2025

Benefits and Risks of Buying Online

Purchasing items online is convenient and allows customers to explore options and make comparisons. However, the Internet isn’t a substitute for physical stores. In fact, there are several reasons why consumers still prefer to buy in-person. Among these are the benefits of personal interaction, the perceived value of the product, and the ability to see and inspect it before buying.

The internet also provides more information on products than a physical store. A consumer can read reviews of similar items, read product descriptions, and compare prices. Online retailers often offer membership options for their customers. These give them access to early access to seasonal releases, and other events.

Another convenience factor is quick checkout. Consumers can confirm payment and see the status of the shipment. Some sellers are willing to refund shipping costs, but others do not.

A survey conducted by Jung Scout found that 71% of shoppers are influenced by ratings and product pictures. This gives online retailers credibility boosts. It also shows that consumers expect transparency about inventory levels and the ability to research customer reviews.

Another study conducted by Amazon found that customers are increasingly more appreciative of the company. For example, 60 percent of consumers now think that Amazon is better than offline retailers.

Other studies have explored the hedonic motives behind shopping. While prior research has highlighted the importance of this motivating force, it remains unclear how it affects purchase intentions.

Hedonic motivation has stronger predictive power. It has been found to influence purchase intentions in group settings, such as when purchasing for a friend.

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