WATCH: Fatah Video Glorifies Hamas Aide Killed by Israeli Forces During Anti-Terror Operation
TEL AVIV — The Fatah movement has released a special music video in honor of Ahmed Ismail Jarar, the relative and aide to Ahmed Nasser Jarar, a Hamas operative who murdered an Israeli civilian last month near the settlement of Havat Gilad.
Jarar was killed during a shootout with Israeli forces.
The video begins by showing an encounter between Ahmed Ismail Jarar with Israeli police who came to arrest Ahmed Nasser Jarar, who managed to escape the area even as his relative Ahmed Ismail was killed.
Narrators in the video say Jarar confronted Israel’s elite Yaman police unit for 10 hours while “Israeli helicopters circled over the area the entire time.”
The narrators also stated that the confrontation ended in Ahmed Ismail Jarar’s death as a “martyr” and the wounding of two Israeli officers while the other members of the cell managed to escape.
The song included in the video begins with the words “Fatah operative, hold your head high, Jerusalem is ours, we are the army of Fatah, we are the army of Jarar.”
The song continues, “Ahmed Jarar says Jerusalem is ours, his fire repelled the enemy, Ahmed wasn’t afraid of the forces. Our brothers the revolutionaries, shake the earth. Ahmed you live in us with every shot, Fatah operative keep your head up. Jerusalem is ours, the land is ours, we are the army of Fatah, we are the army of Jarar.”
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