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Saturday on Fox News Channel’s “Watters’ World,” conservative columnist Ann Coulter elaborated on her column published days earlier linking mass shootings to immigration. Coulter said 47 percent of mass shooting since 2000 had been committed by first- or second-generation immigrants.
byJeff Poor24 Feb 2018, 8:56 PM PST0
Saturday, President Donald Trump phoned into Fox News Channel’s “Justice” and he discussed the Democratic FISA memo, calling it a “confirmation” of the Devin Nunes memo. “Certainly the memo was a nothing,” Trump said to host Jeanine Pirro. “That was
byTrent Baker24 Feb 2018, 6:43 PM PST0
Saturday on MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” host Joy Reid argued against allowing guns in school for teachers because it would mean society was less civilized. “[J]ust about everybody I know doesn’t want their kids to go to school in an armed
byTrent Baker24 Feb 2018, 4:11 PM PST0
Golden State Warriors star Steph Curry sat down with CNN’s Van Jones for an interview and the All-Star guard discussed President Donald Trump revoking the team’s invitation to celebrate their championship at the White House after Curry and his teammates
byTrent Baker24 Feb 2018, 3:15 PM PST0
NeverTrumper National Review columnist Mona Charen received boos and jeers amidst a smattering of applause on the main stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) after suggesting the conservative firebrand Marion Marechal-Le Pen should not have been invited to
byRaheem Kassam and Oliver Lane24 Feb 2018, 1:28 PM PST0
On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks reacted to President Trump’s proposal to allow teachers to carry firearms by stating that such an idea is “truly demented.” Brooks said, “It’s a demented idea. I mean, aside from everything else,
byIan Hanchett24 Feb 2018, 8:36 AM PST0
On Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” New York Times columnist David Brooks argued that there is “sort of a national frenzy on both sides” on gun control. Brooks stated that the relative lack of gun restrictions compared to looser gun laws since Sandy Hook
byIan Hanchett24 Feb 2018, 8:36 AM PST0
During Friday’s Democratic Weekly Address Representative Ted Deutch (D-FL) urged Congressional Republicans to “show just a shred of the courage of the Stoneman Douglas students.” And called on the House to vote “to require background checks on every sale and
byIan Hanchett24 Feb 2018, 8:36 AM PST0
South Africa’s new president has vowed to pursue the same course as Zimbabwean tyrant Robert Mugabe, expropriating land from white farmers without compensation.
byJack Montgomery24 Feb 2018, 6:36 AM PST0
On Friday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show,” former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice argued that there should be “a conversation about what the right to bear arms means in the modern world.” She added, ” I don’t understand why civilians need to have
byIan Hanchett23 Feb 2018, 7:55 PM PST0
Friday on Fox News, host Shepard Smith said President Donald Trump was “co-opting” the language of the National Rifle Association on solutions for school shooting. Smith said, “I thought it was just interesting kinda around the edges. Wayne LaPierre, the
byPam Key23 Feb 2018, 5:37 PM PST0
During a Friday debate about New York Mets minor league outfielder Tim Tebow saying he still holds NFL offers to play positions other than quarterback, ESPN’s LZ Granderson stated that he does not “want to live in a world where Colin
byTrent Baker23 Feb 2018, 3:58 PM PST0
In the wake of the Parkland, FL, shooting, MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace and New York Times columnist Bret Stephens both referred to the Second Amendment as a “so-called” right. “Bret, I think one of the other things that are different is the
byTrent Baker23 Feb 2018, 1:56 PM PST0
Brexit leader Nigel Farage will be introduced to the main stage of CPAC, America’s largest conservative conference Friday afternoon by Breitbart London editor in chief Raheem Kassam.
byOliver JJ Lane23 Feb 2018, 1:04 PM PST0
Friday on his nationally syndicated radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh described CNN as having a ”literal, trashy, garbage existence,” and said it was ”descending into its own mental illness.” Partial transcript as follows: CNN tweeted last night, “President Donald
byPam Key23 Feb 2018, 12:19 PM PST0
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