February 10, 2025

What is cultural appropriation?

What is cultural appropriation?
(Picture: Twitter)

We get it, it’s a racially sensitive time. It’s hard to tell what’s appreciation and what’s appropriation.

And while there is no comprehensive list of the dos and don’ts (if only life were this straightforward), there are some things that you just don’t do, others are in a grey area.

For some high profile figures, it might be trial and error. Some celebrities (Kardashian family, we’re looking at you) might insist on making a few more errors than the average person.

Whether it’s Native American war bonnets, bindis, braids, kimonos, saris, we don’t want you offending a whole culture just because you want to look good at Coachella.

Because we want everyone to #staywoke, here’s our list of what you should consider when it comes to appropriation.

Cultural appropriation
(Picture: Instagram)

1. Does the style belong to a minority culture?

In the western world, a minority would be considered someone from a black, Asian or other minority ethnicities (BAME). These groups might have staples that are shared exclusively in their groups as part of their culture and identity.

And as minorities in majority-white spaces, they may cling onto their culture as to navigate their dual identities.

Anyone not from the same background may seem like they’re wearing it to imitate, belittle and trivialise a style that is loaded, historically and culturally, without realising the weight of their actions.

Cultural appropriation
(Picture: Kevin Winter/Getty Images Entertainment)

2. Are the original people to wear it/style it stigmatised for it?

Kim K, Christina Aguilera, Kylie might all be told ‘yaaas queen’ for boxer braids and cornrows but for some young black girls and women, their natural hair has been a point of contention.

Deanna and Mya Scot, Zulaikha Patel, Unathi Gongxeka, Vanessa Vandyke, Tayjha Deleveaux are just a few of the names of 12-year-olds and teenagers who have been sent home from school because they wore their hair natural.

Black women and girls are discriminated against for their hair and told it’s not ‘tidy’ enough or ‘professional’ enough, which makes it problematic for white women to wear the same styles and be applauded for doing so.

Muslim women are also very cautious and conscious of wearing headscarves in public spaces and have even been attacked for it. But Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid won a tonne of praise for it.

Cultural appropriation
(Picture: Instagram)

3. Are they represented?

If you’ve watched any films, TV, or award shows (#Oscarssowhite anyone?) then you know minorities are heavily underrepresented in the media.

Which means styles they are known for can also go unnoticed. Until someone who’s got celeb status can exploit them without proper accreditation.

Consider how little Native American histories are told or shown and yet it’s one of the most popular choices of Halloween costumes. Which is especially insensitive given the bloodied and violent past.

4. Have they been credited?

Remember when Kendall Jenner ‘pioneered’ the whole dress and trousers combo? Wrong. The salwar kameez has been a definitive style of south Asian cultures since the Mughal era.

Iggy Azalea, Selena Gomez, Kylie Jenner and even queen Beyoncé (yes, non-white people can be appropriative) might look good in a bindi and/or sari but the problem is that it’s only shown through these high profile figures.

The bindi has existed as part of Asian cultures for thousands of years but only appears stylish when certain celebrities endorse it.

If you’re claiming something as your own rather than crediting its origins, that’s appropriation.

Cultural appropriation
(Picture: Beyonce)

5. Does it have historical connotations that you’re unaware of?

For example, dreadlocks are often credited to the Rastafari culture who wore locks as a way of life, not for vanity. The movement, for which the hair was an important component, began as a way to empower black people who were oppressed by western society and colonialism.

How many non-black people know what it’s like to be black in today’s society? This reason alone should make us not want to pick apart their culture and try on the bits we like the sound of.

Cultural appropriation
(Picture: Teen Vogue)

6. Are you wearing it as a costume?

A lot of the time, the reason people object to cultural imitation is that it is worn as a costume, something to arouse amusement and awe and can just as quickly be taken off, without thought to the connotations and history behind it.

And why is there amusement behind things that are natural to people, why is hair or items of clothing made out to be a spectacle, to be made different? It supposes that it’s not part of the norm and should be reveled at.

So next time you’re in a costume shop or considering your Halloween outfit, go as a meme, a TV character (no blackface) or even a sexy animal. At least they’re not problematic.

MORE: Kim Kardashian accused of cultural appropriation after showing off ‘Bo Derek’ braids on Snapchat

MORE: Not to be that person, but is putting a tea towel on your kid’s head for a Nativity play a bit racist?

MORE: Post Malone responds to accusations of cultural appropriation and explains his outspoken hip hop remarks

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