February 6, 2025
Middle East

UN policies aggravate the humanitarian crisis in Yemen

London– The UN policies in handling the humanitarian crises in Yamen are not properly planned, admonished ImpACT International for Human Rights Policies. Consequently, civilians in Yemen, which witnesses one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world, will suffer even more.

Some of the United Nations policies and orientations are lacking seriousness and object effectiveness. In a new research paper, ImpACT stressed the need for a periodic review of the UN humanitarian programs, in addition, there is a need for more effective monitoring mechanisms of aid distribution.

The London-based think tank expressed deep concern over the UN newly-adopted policies of reducing aid in Yemen in favor of other non-priority programs; the aid programs are originally meant to reduce the suffering of the civilians, save civilians lives, tackle poverty, and prevent the spread of diseases. ImpACT strictly stressed that United Nation should deal with relief work in Yemen as a top priority; other non priority programs should not be given at the expense of the badly needed relief works that would alleviate the suffering of the civilians in Yemen. Funds given by donors should be directed to relief programs which are very essential to the people.

In light of Yemens unprecedented humanitarian crisis, ImpACT believes that humanitarian programs should be funded by the UN regular budget, rather than by donations. In addition, the UN should pay much effort and take more serious steps to raise funds for humanitarian programs in Yemen. There is a need for clear cut rationalization of relief projects, and priority should be given to the essentially needed relief programs.

ImpACT has also warned of the consequences of the UN announcement a few days ago that humanitarian programs that help to save civilian lives in Yemen, could be closed within the next two months due to lack of international funding.

“Today, Yemenis are only trying to survive the war that has turned their country into a regional battlefield, with the world unable to bring peace to their country,” said Martha Ochi, a researcher at ImpACT. She further shed light on the harsh consequences of the UN suspension of some humanitarian programs in Yemen due to “funding deficit.”

“Only three UN humanitarian programs out of 34 have been funded for this year, and many others were forced to stop in recent weeks,” said the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Yemen, Lise Grande. “Twenty-two other lifesaving programs are about to be closed in the next two months unless funding becomes available,” she added bypointing out that less than half of the 2.6 USD billion- donor promises that were launched in February 2019, has been received.

Last May, UN has suspended immunization campaigns for 13 million people and stopped buying any kind of medicine. In addition, it has suspended the construction of 30 new therapeutic feeding centers, 14 safe houses ,and four facilities for women mental health.

According to the United Nations, if funds are not received within the coming weeks, 12 million Yemenis will have their food rations reduced, 2.5 million malnourished children will be deprived of services, 19 million people “will lose access to health care, and clean water programs will be stopped for 5 million people will be closed” at the end of October 2019.

The United Nations describes the humanitarian crisis in Yemen as the worst worldwide. While tens of thousands of Yemenis died in the ongoing war that started four years ago, other millions suffer from the consequences of a very deteriorating economic situation and famine.

In February, donors pledged nearly 2.6 billion USD to help Yemen. However, less than half of the amount has been paid so far, reported the UN Humanitarian Coordinator Lise Grande.

“Yeminis should not be left under the threat of death, war consequences, famine, and diseases. This increases the responsibilities of the United Nations (UN) and its specialized agencies, “Impact said, saving that the lives of civilians should not depend only on donations .

It further stressed that the humanitarian crisis in Yemen requires international intervention to raise the necessary fund at the right time in order to provide humanitarian aid to Yemini civilians, and ensure that donors are fully confident that their contributions were directed to help Yemenis.

The London-based source stressed that both the Saudi Arabia, that leads the Coalition in Yemen, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), that is a member in the Arab Coalition, have heightened responsibilities to provide the necessary budget to the UN and its specialized agencies to provide humanitarian aid to civilians in Yemen.

It also pointed out that both the Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have pledged up to 1.5 billion USD to help Yemen in response to the UN humanitarian appeal launched in February to raise 2.6 billion USD to save the lives of Yemenis who have fallen victims to famine and deadly diseases due to the war. The UAE has paid only 16 million USD of its pledge, and the Saudi Arabia has paid only 127 million USD.

ImpACT International for Human Rights Policies further stressed that it is unacceptable for the worlds governments to ignore the situation in Yemen, while millions are on the verge of inevitable famine and a humanitarian disaster threatening every aspect of life.

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